Friday 16 May 2008

Is this art or animal abuse?

"In 2007, a so-called artist named Guillermo Habacuc Vargas (I probably have the spelling wrong), took a stray dog from the street, tied him up in a gallery and left him to slowly starve and die." This is completely sick, obviously. I can't believe the gallery allowed it and the artist got to represent his nation...

Metamonkey draws similar criticism, but is not even in the same ball park, as one commentator puts it

" ...Sadly, the opinions of the masses have (for one of the first times in my life) convinced me to perform a U-turn on my own principles.
As you may have guessed, the subject is the Meta Monkey installation. A concept which as you know I was particularly taken with. As long as it was executed with decency, no matter how secretive said decency may be from the audience, I was all for it. I advocated it as a genuine and original way of, sadly, FORCING people to confront their reactions and their hypocrisy in terms of their regard of the sanctity of life and freedom...."

Thats the point and it's off to a great start...
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Gripe said...

Nicely ripped out of context there, twat.
People don't give a fuck what you do. They give a fuck about where you do it. Feel free to fuck about with a monkey. Just don't implicitly suggest that anyone else is involved. Shit on your own doorstep. Not someone else's.
I'll still come and see the monkey, as long as it's you and only you who's associated with it.

ladida said...

I'm glad the metamonkey idea was dropped - who is this fool!!! He doesn't have a very expressive or extensove vocabularly. ;)
is that how u spell ironic?